Watch the okra plants every day so you harvest the pods before they become too large. Clip the stems just above the pods with the pruning shears.
Manual weeding will prevent damaging the roots of the okra plants.Ĭlip the okra pods from the okra plants with the pruning shears when the pods are between 2 and 3 inches in size. Remove weeds as they appear around the okra seedlings by pulling them by hand. Remove the weakest seedlings to leave only one plant growing 1 to 2 feet apart.

Thin the okra seedlings when the seedlings reach heights of 3 inches. Add aged compost to planting beds in advance of transplanting. Set plants 24 inches (60 cm) apart in rows at least 24 inches apart. Water when the soil begins to dry, but do not provide water to create puddles around the seeds. Transplant okra to the garden after seedlings are at least 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) tall. Keep the soil around the okra seeds from drying out while the seeds germinate. Cover the seeds with ½ inch of garden soil, and water the newly planted okra seeds to saturate the soil. Plant three or four okra seeds together (in clusters) 1 to 2 feet apart in the growing area. Planting Soak seeds overnight or scarify by slightly nicking seed coats to speed germination. Add 1 to 2 inches of compost or peat moss to the top of the soil and work the amendment into the soil thoroughly with the spade. Cultivate the soil down to a depth of 3 inches using the garden spade. Prepare the area where you will grow okra in the spring approximately one week after the final spring frost. Once the seedlings are large enough to be planted out into the garden they should be placed in a warm location that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sun per day. Gardeners often use the small and tender okra pods for savory soups, stews and gumbo because the tasty and distinctive okra juice thickens hot dishes naturally, making the dishes into a hearty meal. Typically the seedlings will need to spend approximately 6 weeks in the seed tray however it may be necessary to remove the humidity dome from the seed tray as okra seedlings can get relatively tall. When garden soil warms sufficiently in the late spring, plant okra seeds for a harvest of green okra pods approximately 50 days later. The okra plant has some unusual horticultural cousins, including hollyhocks and hibiscus flowers.